Yacht Hopping

Spent this week in NYC stacking knowledge on all things Partnership marketing @ Affiliate Summit East + Stack’d event.

I learned a few things:

  1. Partnership marketing is still under underutilized, and is by far one of the most valuable things you can do daily as a productized creator.

  2. Events like this, workshops, trainings, etc never have a negative ROI

  3. Mountain towns > big cities

One of the key acquisition strategies I leverage within the productized creator model is what I call “Yacht Hopping”.

This is part of the “Acquire” pillar.

At its core it is finding non competitive partners who have access to a similar audience as yours, and then creating and scaling up valuable content collaborations.

As I talk to more b2b creators this is one of the best and more valuable levers you can pull.

The key is knowing how to do it in the right way, and creating a system around it.

That is what I have developed.

When done right this can actually replace the dependency of most outbound cold email/cold calling tactics completely.

I plan on doing an entire workshop just on this soon because it is that valuable.

I wrote up a post on this here if you want to learn more in the meantime.

Let’s close out the week strong and have a great weekend!

Keep stacking bricks 🧱



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