
Before I can help anyone install “The Productized Creator” model into their business, we need to first make sure you have a proven 1:1 productized offering.

Here is how I think about it:

Productizing is about packaging your services based on the value you provide, not the time you spend.

It involves building systems to duplicate yourself and disconnect from the trading-time-for-money trap.

Productization provides a system.

Instead of developing a unique solution for each customer, you develop a solution that is relevant and valuable to a niche of customers, making it repeatable and consistent.

A productized service has six key elements, or what I call “ingredients”:

  • Repeatable systems

  • Fixed deliverables

  • Fixed outcomes

  • Fixed price

  • Fixed scope

  • Delivered within a fixed timeline

Remember: multiplying a bad process just amplifies a bad process. You need to fix the actual “problems,” not the often-confused surface-level “symptoms” for your customers.

Productizing also doesn’t happen overnight.

It is a process of testing, tearing down, rebuilding, and molding over time. You need input and a second pair of eyes from people who have done it.

Once you have a solid productized v1 solution, you can then optimize and extract your process, your IP, and your unique frameworks, plugging those into my Productized Creator Model to unlock massive hidden leverage.

Enjoy the weekend.

Keep stacking bricks 🧱



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