One-Time Assets

Thinking about positioning a lot this past weekend.

How you position what you do can be one of the more powerful shifts as a productized creator.

One of the first things I help my customers do is install a one-time asset into their funnels.

OTAs can be your secret weapon.

They act as a “tripwire” in your marketing funnel allowing your leads to ascend more naturally and give you a little 💰️ before a lot of 💰️💰️.

They help bridge the gap between a free subscriber and a high-paying customer.

Think of them as the stepping stones in your value ladder.

Hard mode is trying to turn leads into clients.

Easy mode is turning leads into customers.

Why this works 👇️

Positioning an OTA at 10-20% of your core offer creates ascension. This is what we want in a newsletter → services funnel.

For instance, if your main service is $1-2k a month, an OTA priced around $100-$200 can be perfect.

This could be a workshop, templates, a checklist, or even a mini-course. I personally like workshops because they create an intimate and high leverage (1:M) environment to bring value.

The goal is to generate revenue while facilitating customer ascension.

Here's a practical example: 

I offer a monthly workshop priced at $100.

This workshop serves as an entry point for new subscribers and interested individuals like yourself who want to learn more around my ideas.

From there, I guide participants to work with me one-on-one, implementing the productized creator model. This model helps them create and scale their service offerings, regardless of their niche.

My example of Boring Marketer last week also shows how they leverage an “SEO Audit” as their OTA to fuel their ongoing monthly retainers.

This has long been common practice within the info marketing space but neglected within the agency world.

This single addition in your funnel can transform your business.

Many productized creators struggle because they lack a proper funnel.

Instead of trying to convert leads directly into high-paying customers, use OTAs.

This approach not only generates immediate revenue but also builds a list of buyers.

Think about what you can take from your core offering and package up into an OTA.

Keep stacking 🧱’s



or to participate.