Focused Reps

I chat with agency owners all the time, and this question pops up a lot.

“What should I focus on?”

When you can create a system around the daily work that needs to get done to move you closer to your goals this can be incredibly powerful to get out of your head.

The Daily Grind.

Every day is a fresh start.

Nothing is guaranteed.

You have to get up and tackle the hard tasks with intention.

I call it "stacking bricks, chopping wood, and carrying water." It's about loving the process, even when it's tough.

Focused Reps: The foundation. You need to know who you’re aiming at and where you want them to go.

The 5 Ones:

1. One Product

2. One Specific Type of Person

3. One Traffic Source

4. One Funnel

5. One Year

This concept, coined by Clay Collins of LeadPages, is your foundation until you hit seven figures. Put your horse blinders on.

CPRS: Your Daily Actions to push people into your 5 ones above. This is my 4 step process every morning.

1. Create: Start with a newsletter. It fuels your content machine.

2. Partner: Pitch one new partner daily. Imagine 365 pitches a year!

3. Referrals: Ask for one referral every day. Build a system around it and don’t make it an afterthought like most businesses.

4. Sell: Pitch one dream customer daily. Your dream 100 list is gold.

The Compounding Effect.

Do this consistently for 90 days, and you'll see results.

Keep stacking 🧱’s



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