A Map

Yesterday, I had two sales calls with SEO experts.

Both of them have newsletter-to-services funnels.

My goal was to better understand their business models and gain more insights as I build out my own Productized Creator funnel.

I wanted to share these insights with you.

Both of their funnels did a great job nurturing me and demonstrating their expertise.

This is why newsletter funnels work so well.

Both of their funnels had a clear CTA to book a call.

Where things broke down was on the actual call.

Call A went smoothly. They had a presentation, clear first steps, pricing, and structure. I felt guided and confident.

Call B was a mess with no structure, no clear first step, and seemingly random questions from two founders. I left feeling confused and unclear.

Customers want certainty.

Customers want to be shown a map of what they’re going to get.

Let’s imagine you have a choice of getting on one of two ships.

One has a compass, a clear map, an experienced staff, and an itinerary.

The other has an idea of where they want to go but nothing more. (Maybe they do but it isn’t communicated or shown.)

Which ship are you getting on?

As a Productized Creator, you need to ensure you have a clear visual map of the journey and the end result customers will go on.

Let’s have a great week.

Keep stacking bricks 🧱



P.S. Want more? Join my next workshop. Hit reply, and I’ll share the details. (Limited seats)


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