3 Pillars

3 Pillars.

That is all you need to build a 7-figure productized creator business.

As I prep for this workshop tomorrow, it is amazing to see how having clarity and a system to plug into can help catapult progress and close the gap on where you want to be.

Not seeing success is almost never a result of working too hard.

It’s actually a result of working on the wrong things or the right things applied in the wrong way.

So many of my consulting customers see success from me honestly by just slightly adjusting their positioning and business model structure.

But as you know, it is often the small levers that have the biggest impact.

Tomorrow, we’re going to cover the Productized Creator Model and deep dive into the 3 pillars (Acquire, Nurture, Bank) that you can install directly into your service business to start working on the right things in the right way.

Wanna join the workshop tomorrow?

Hit reply and let me know. We still have some spots available.

Keep stacking bricks 🧱



or to participate.